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Product Code: 2003102531
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Using the chorus frmo Edward H. Joy's well known song of commitment, this music depicts the struggle of the young Christian to truly surrender his all to Jesus.

In the first statement of the chorus, the individual cannot even bring himself to utter the final words "shall be thine, dear Lord." Instead he moves to a completely different, much more confused train of though. The second time, he begins with more confidence, loudly declaring: "All the passion of my soul, not a fragment but the whole..." yet still only manages to whisper very quietly, "shall be thine, dear Lord." Following some more reflective though (a reprise of the introductory material), the young Christian has finally decided that he is ready to surrender all his days, and in the third statement of the chorus he boldly proclaims "shall be thine, dear Lord." the music ends on a note of triumph, celebrating the wonderful freedom that comes with truly surrendering to Christ and his will.