New Love; Thinking Aloud About Practical Holiness

Product Code: 0301803063
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  • By Shaw Clifton
    and international guest writers
  • 197 pages.
  • Published 2006, Flag Publications
New Love is a modern trumpet call to radical holy living.
Here is a remarkable collection of essays fro ma unique international array of Salvationist writers. They set out to reaffirm the practical, day by day relevance of the Army's classical holiness teaching.

This candid and inspirational volume will encourage many to new depths - and new heights - in their quest for the holy life. It is not a 'how to' book. It has few, if any, academic pretensions. It does not get stuck in the heavy mud of doctrinal controversy. Rather, it is a book written for a verdict from the heart, a verdict from you, the reader.

New Love will be useful for personal and devotional purposes as well as for group study and discussion. It will also find its place as an aid to preaching ministry.