Eastern Territory Music

ABJ 77 (332-335} Christmas 2016

Product Code: 1300397
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Band Music for Evangelism
Edited by Dr. Dorothy Gates

The title of the Andrew Blyth march in this issue of the American Band Journal conveys an up to date message. Celebrate the Season!

Christmas certainly is a time of celebration. As we celebrate the birth of Christ there is a great story to be told. It involves Mary and Joseph and the baby in a manger. Angels, Shepherds and wise men help to populate the story. The angels provide the music.

Today we continue the Angelic tradition announcing peace on earth and goodwill, with music. In this journal you will find and eclectic mix of music. The traditional carols like Deck the Halls and others are included as are modern Christmas songs like Happy Birthday, Jesus which is arranged beautifully by Gavin Whitehouse in The Real Gift.

William Gordon provides energetic celebratory music in his Carols of Joy. Swedish Salvationist Andreas ?lov makes his first contribution to the American Band Journal with his transcription of the poignant Advent song by Mark Sirett, Thou Shalt Know Him.. The words are meaningful and put our celebration in perspective.

  • Thou Shalt Know Him when He comes,
  • Not by any crown or gown,
  • But His coming known shall be,
  • By the Holy harmony
  • Which His coming makes in Thee.

Ronald Waiksnoris
Territorial Music Secretary

# Genre Title Composer/arranger Preview
332 March Celebrate the Season Andrew Blyth Score
333 The Real Gift Carol Cymbala, arr. Gavin Whitehouse Score
334 Song Arrangement Thou Shalt Know Him Mark Sirett, Trs. Andres ?lov Score
335 Carols of Joy! William Gordon Score
Instrumentation & Adaption