Teen Talk: Facing life as it is

Product Code: 0200111043
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  • By Beverly Ivany
  • 400 pages.
  • Published 1994, The Salvation Army
TEEN-TALK is a book of self-discovery that holds a promise of excitement for every reader. Teen years are a time of expanding awareness. Exploration is best done with a trusted guidebook.
TEEN-TALK serves the purpose well!

Mrs. Captain Beverly Ivany draws upon her personal background and present situation as her own family experiences the adventure of the teen-years.

In this book we discover what God is saying to teens and hear Him say "I love you, just as you are." But we also find that He is willing to help bring about significant change. TEEN-TALK explores the many questions teens face, and raises issues that should be confronted in a world full of temptation and competing voices.

It's exciting reading and now is the time to begin!

-Roy Calvert