- By Jim Garrington
- 66 pages.
- Published 2014, The Salvation Army
This was written for my daughter, Jamie. She was working as a social worker for Project 614 in Chemnitz, located in the former East Germany. When her corps officers ran for German Parliament in 2009, he won, and she was asked to take over the leadership of the project, I quipped: "Want me to teach you how to preach?" and she responded, "Yeah I've been thinking about that for a long time." Since she lives far enough away that commuting was not practical, I wrote the first draft of these guidelines for her.
I had used these guidelines prior to writing them down, however, I have often been stationed in isolated areas where it was hard for find preachers to fill in when I was not there. So, I gathered several promising soldiers and taught them how to preach.
There is, of course, a lot more to be said about preaching than what I have included here. This is intended to be a short handbook for equipping lay preachers, or for a quick review for those already in the pulpit. The information is gleaned from several sources: two visits to the ten day preaching seminar offered by Asbury Seminary; several books on preaching, especially Inductive Preaching, by Ralph L. Lewis & Gregg Lewis (Copyright 1983 Good News Publishing); some helpful hints received when I was a cadet from then Major Eric Britcher; critiques on this manuscript from Bob Abspoel, a seminary friend of mine serving God in Finland, Envoy Gerry Dueck from Meissen, Germany, my son Joshua; and, of course, my own experiences in some 35 years of preaching.