Product Code: 9780854128419
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  • By Robert Street
  • 126 pages.
  • Published 2012, Salvation Books
The Salvation Army would be nothing without love. The love of God is its major resource. Salvationists the world over could not do what they do without love for both God and mankind. Love must always be 'right at the heart' - of everything.

Written in harmony with General Linda Bond's call - One Army, One Mission, One Message - Robert Street's Love - Right at the Heart examines how Salvationists have a responsibility to one another, whilst taking their caring ministry to the world. It is an essential aspect of discipleship, and Jesus encouraged his disciples to love one another with the same depth of commitment that he had given them.

The first section of this book centers on his words - 'Love one another' - whilst the second section looks at specific implications of the second part of his command - 'As I have loved you.'

Through the introduction of Sam and Joe's informal 'After the meeting' session and a subsequent 'Heart to heart' section, each aspect of love is considered in the context of day-to-day service, raising many vital issues and topics to generate stimulating discussion, either one-to-one or in groups.

Such love may seem beyond our reach - but it is when embracing and giving this love that Christians most truly show they are his disciples.