- By Frederick Coutts
- 147 pages.
- Published 1980, The Salvation Army
This is an egalitarian fellowship if ever there was one. None of us but serve under a pledge to go where we are sentᄀᆰpersonal health and family ties permitting. None of us, while on active service receives a penny more than the allowances prescribed by regulation for his or her service. No creative spirit among us benefits financially from the gifts which God has given him and by which he enriches our common life. Officer are provided with a furnished house of its equivalent, but this is not their own, Officially it is known as their quarters and usually changes with each new appointment. As for the place of women in the ministry, the Preface to the Orders and Regulations for Officers (1974 edition) states that 'Men and women officers are eligible for all ranks and appointments... unless otherwise indicated of obviously impossible.'
-excerpt from the foreword