- By Leslie Pindred
- 174 pages.
- Published by The Salvation Army
I remember vividly the appearance of the fist edition of this book. It was published at a time when the author was deeply involved in spurring the evangelical thrust of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.
Through it he sought to challenge his reader to what must be, and must remain, the paramount aim of every Salvationist, the winning of souls for Christ and His Kingdom.
That a revised edition is required, two decades later, is evidence that our Movement has not lost sight of its chief obligation, and for that we offer to God our "humble and hearty thanks".
In these pages are noted soul-winner speaks to those who already know the joy of leading someone to Jesus, to those who long to be soul-winners and are praying for Divine guidance and spiritual courage, and to those who need to be reminded that all The Salvation Army is and does must "Sweetly echo the Savior's call".
The first edition stirred my own heart. May this second and revised edition stir the heart of every reader, of whom, I hope, there will be a great company.