- By Anita Caldwell
- 90 pages.
- Published 2015, Salvation Books
To some the very idea of holiness conjures up a vision of dullness and death, but by striking the right balance, the experience of holiness is one of liveliness and life abundant. In this work, Anita Caldwell, a former guest writer for Words of Life, expresses her joy in attempting to live the life and to teach the truths of holy living that can be found in Scripture and experienced personally.
Using her experience of life and ministry not only in her native United States, but in Haiti, Russia, Moldova, Georgia and now as corps officer at Waco, Texas, Anita expresses the joy which belongs to living a life of holiness. Her work will prove a blessing, especially to new Christians, but also to any who wonder what is really meant by this concept of holiness. This book will be a boon to individuals, as well as to groups who will find much to discuss within its pages.