- New International Version text
- Book introductions and 44 charts
- Study Notes Help you gain a better perspective on a particular verse or passage
- Men, Women, and GodᄀᆰThis feature focuses on two of the most important relationships in every man's life: his relationship with God and his relationships with women
- Someone You Should KnowᄀᆰProfiles of men in the Bible and what their lives can teach us about the importance of faith in our own lives
- What the Bible Says AboutᄀᆰGives insight into the Bible's vital message on all kinds of topics for daily living
- PerspectivesᄀᆰGlean bits of information from great men who have lived through many of the same issues and struggles that you face
- Personal GoldᄀᆰSound advice from the pros: Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joseph Stowell, and Chuck Swindoll
- Published:
- April 1, 2014
- Binding:
- LeatherLike, Brown/Tan TuTone
- Text Size:
- 7.600
- Trim Size:
- 5.25 x 7.875 in.
- Pages:
- 1776
- 978-1-4143-8110-7