Product Code: 0200111046
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A Documentary On Christianity In Action In the Inner City

  • By Henry Gariepy
  • 150 pages.
  • Published 1994, The Salvation Army
This book presents a stirring example of Christianity in action, serving in the trenches of human need in a riot-torn ghetto. The reader will see and feel the violence on its streets, the suffering behind its walls and the agony and aspiration of its people.An unusual cast of people slip in and out of the narrative: dedicated residents and workers of the Hough ghetto, Billy Graham, Olympic gold medalist Madeline Manning Jackson, community leaders and the nondescript who are all important people in this story.It will give the reader new understanding of the issues that led some of our major cities to explode in the riots of the mid-sixties, and today still plague our society with eruptions of violence.This story can serve as an example for Christian involvement today amid the agonies and suffering of our world.