"The books of Samuel Logan Brengle, though written in the early years of this century, are relevant today to all Christians.? They stand solidly on the truths of God's Word.? The Way of Holiness reveals how the sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit can release the surrendered life from the tyranny of sin, fill it with holy love, and empower it to maintain Christian standard of truth and morality in character and conduct.
"Please do more than simply read the book.? Keep your Bible handy and refer to it as you read.? Relate the illustrations and wise counsel to your own life.? On your knees pray that God will reveal His will to you.? If you do not possess this radiant, victorious experience that Samuel Brengle describes, then seek it from the Lord.? He will hear and heed your prayer."?
ᄀᆰGeneral Clarence Wiseman