Canada & Bermuda Territory


Product Code: 2003102831
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The Call
The use of the old song "To the War! to the war! Loud and long rings the call" embodies the call to all salvationists to see the "drifting millions" to "care for the dying" and "seek for the lost." Reference is also made to the great hymn of the church, "Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to War."
The Challenge
The song "They Need Christ" by Generals John Gowans and John Larsson forms the basis of this reflective movement, reminding listeners of the practical nature of Salvation Army ministry to those from all segments of society. As an even more personal challenge, it is coupled with the soul-searching question voiced by General Albert Orsborn: "Except I am moved with compassion, how dwelleth thy Spirit in me?"
The Commission
The poignant words of Fanny Crosby's hymn "Rescue the Perishing" have for years proven to be an effective reminder of our divine commission to care for the lost in all circumstances of life. the music of this third movement, based on this song, seeks to portray the hectic rush and busyness of those involved in Christian ministry as they go about their daily task of rescuing and caring for those who have lost their way along the path of life.
Music and Gospel Arts Department, Canadian Territory