- By Samuel Logan Brengel
- 202 pages.
- Published 1929, Reprinted 1984
Brengle in this book gives counsel on, among others, the following modern problems:
- Why I wanted My Wife to Be My Wife
- Recent Acts of the Holy Ghost
- Must You Be Fed with a Spoon?
- The Bible and Religious Experience
- Whom Do You Trust, Yourself or Christ?
- A Word to Those Who Are Growing Old
- Answering Atheism
- An Open Letter to a Young Man Seeking Spiritual Help
Other books written by Samuel Logan Brengle are currently available through Christian book stores of Salvation Army Supplies and Purchasing Departments:
- Heart Talks on Holiness
- Resurrection Life and power
- The Soul Winner's Secret
- The Way of Holiness
- When the Holy Ghost is Come
- Love Slaves
- Guest of the Soul
- Helps to Holiness