Studies in Sanctification
- By Edward Read
- 124 pages.
- Published 1975, The Salvation Army
Edward Read was born and raised on a farm in Eastern Canada. As a young man he met The Salvation Army in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, was converted, and heard the call of God to preach the gospel.
He was commissioned as a Salvation Army officer in 1946 and has served in corps, training college and administrative appointments in the Canada and Bermuda Territory, in the Caribbean Territory and at International Headquarters in London, England.
Commissioner Read's personal ministry with the Word of God and his creative writing have made him a source of enrichment and enlightenment to serious Christians around the world.
His published titles include:This present book, A Passion for Purity, is a reprint of the earlier volume, Studies in Sanctification, and comes as a result of continued demand for these lucid, logical expositions on the subject of holy living.The author, now retired lives in Whitby, Ontario and continues to maintain an active preaching and teaching in many parts of the world.
- Studies in Sanctification
- Burning, Always Burning
- I Believe in the Dawn
- Heart to God, Hand to Man
- Timothy, My Son